Wednesday, September 22, 2010

We Are Here!!

I haven't been very good about blogging the last few months, so I tried to get up to date this evening, below are lots of new posts.

I will try and be better, however I am not going to make any promises.

Karter "talking"

Here is a little video from the evening.

Washington County Fair 2010

We started the Washington County Fair festivities by going to the parade in downtown Brenham the Saturday before the fair.

Waiting at Meme's office for the parade to start

Karter working on his wave

Getting some loot
How pretty is this?

We went to back to Brenham this past weekend for the actual fair.

Friday evening we went and watch the junior hay hauling and greased pig contests followed by an egg toss. Avery really enjoys watching

Watching the greased pig contest

We then made our way to the carnival

Karter enjoying his first fair

Home Depot had a workbench set-up for kids to do little projects.
Avery chose a fire station piggy bank.

Step 1
Making progress
The final product
another visit to the carnival

I am not sure what Avery is going to do next year as most of the rides she rode this year she will be too big for next year, but hopefully she will be a good big sister and will ride a few of them with Karter.

Karter is 6 months old

Wow, I can't believe Karter is half way to his first birthday. Time travels way too fast.

Karter is still a really easy going little boy. He will giggle like crazy when Avery acts silly in front of him. The big smile he has just brightens your day.

He weighs 17 lbs and 15 ozs and is 27 inches long.

He is a drooling fool, so my guess is teeth are on the way.

He rolls over every once in a while, but prefers to sit up. He can pretty well sit up on his own, but we normally leave the boppy pillow behind him just to catch his fall. Our little boy is growing up.

Happy Half Birthday!!

Just Hanging Around the House

Just random pictures from hanging around the house

The Woodlands Waterpark

A few of us met up at a neighborhood waterpark in The Woodlands right before school started.

They went down this slide over and over and over again.

The crew

Crazy Hair Day

Avery had Crazy Hair Day at school and her daddy's step in, do I need to say more....

Style 1

Style 2 - she stuck with this one

Karter's First Trip to the Pool

Karter had his first trip to the pool when he was 5 months.

Karter is 5 months

Karter was 5 months old on August 15th, yes that was a month and a week ago. He is gowing up so fast.

He isn't liking tummy time so he hasn't really started rolling over yet. He loves to put whatever he can get his hands on in his mouth. He has been spending 5 to 10 minutes in the exersaucer each day.

We made the transition to his bed in his room and he is doing great.

Karter's 1st Cereal

Karter had his first cereal on July 30th at 4 1/2 months and hasn't looked back. We have since made it through the fruits and vegetables.

Karter's 1st Bowl of Cereal

He didn't get too messy

All Gone...

1st bowl of cereal with fruit

Let me have the spoon, so I can make sure I get it all