Monday, August 3, 2009

The Circus - Take Two

We took Avery to the circus last year and it was a disaster. We didn't realize she had a fear of clowns until she saw one really close up. I know I said we wouldn't attempt to take her again until she was 5. The circus was in town a few weeks ago and some kids in Avery's class were talking about it. Every day she would come home and say she wanted to go to the circus. Well, I got some tickets so her and I went, however this time I bought tickets that were closer to the back and we didn't walk on the floor for the pre-show. We watched the pre-show from our seats. She enjoyed the show and as soon as we left she was asking when she can go back.

Elephant teeth
Posing with the elephant's good side
Miniture horses Enjoying her snowcone